Sunday 31 August 2014

little venice

This has been a somewhat momentus weekend. I finally moved into the real world and settled into my new home. I've been living incognito for the last two months but now I can safely say I'm a real London worker. I promise to show you round my new abode once I've decked it all out with my finery and fresh flowers. For now though, I'd like to show you a little part of London that I explored today for the first time. And it definitely won't be the last time either, and I think you'll agree with me. 

Having had a breakfast fit for a king, me and one of my favourite people went on an adventure to Little Venice. Starting in the beautiful Warwick Avenue (I had Duffy singing in my ear the entire time) we meandered the streets lined with beautiful white houses and dreamt of owning one, one day. 



My aunt had told me this area was a must see so I took her advice and went running for the hills. She was so right; it is beautiful, particularly under the Indian Summer sun we experienced today. 


Walking under bridges and strolling the tow paths we took in every nook and cranny. 





We watched couples walk hand in hand and old friends giggle over cups of hot tea. We even spotted a model in the middle of a photo shoot. 



Heading further towards Paddington we stumbled across these fellas. 



Why so stern looking?! Lighten up lad! 


My little friend was camera shy so I can't reveal who it was, sorry. Maybe another time. Anyway, back to our wanderings. 




We spotted this bar and thought it would be perfect on a warm summer evening. Might be kidding ourselves if we're to visit this year now. 

Satisfied with our little outing we headed back and bought ice lollies to eat in the park. A perfect start to my real life in London. 

More to follow.



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