Having walked around university as a bit of a pack, our recent divorcing from one another has been somewhat difficult. The prospect of a fun filled night together was something far too exciting to comprehend. I was particularly excited about the prospect of adult conversation as my small talk has recently taken a nose dive towards the ridiculous (read killer dorm spiders and 'do we have to do our prep?!').
We donned our best, the boys sporting tweeds and the girls their favourite A/W13 pieces. Lauren's enviable house was even wearing its finery, it really was a feast for the eyes.
We might have matured but we still like to enjoy a little frivolity. Vast amounts of wine, champagne and cheese were consumed, glasses lay around everywhere and even into the small hours we were still hacking away at the now cold baked Camembert. The birthday girl had cooked up a storm with salmon, ginger chocolate tortes and lemon posset. We wouldn't have imagined anything else from Lady Lauren.
Having exhausted conversation and out embarrassed ourselves with our dancing abilities we jumped in a, somewhat hair raising taxi, and passed out for the night.
Sunday was not fun.
Unable to eat the fry up, I whimpered and moaned to my friends. I can only apologise guys! And worst news of all, I had to be back in work for the girls arrival later that day. Disaster! I was not a happy bear.
Perhaps next time I'll take a leaf out of my sensible friends' book. Put the wine glass down.
Thank you for a raucous and wonderful night, Lauren.
And I blame you for my somewhat delicate state..
... The photos are a combination of friends and my own.. Sneakily lifted off fb. I take no credit.